GPS: N 40.217346; W 8.052863
Arganil is a Portuguese village in the District of Coimbra, in the province of Beira Litoral, in the Centro region (Beiras Region) and in the Region of Coimbra sub-region, with about 4 000 inhabitants.
It is the seat of a municipality with 332.84 km² of area and 12 145 inhabitants (2011), subdivided into 14 parishes (Arganil, Benfeita, Celavisa, Folques, Piódão, Pomares, Pombeiro da Beira, São Martinho da Cortiça, Sarzedo, Secarias, Cerdeira and Moura da Serra, Côja and Barril de Alva, Vila Cova do Alva and Anceriz, Cepos and Teixeira).

The municipality is limited to the north by the municipalities of Penacova, Tábua and Oliveira do Hospital, to the northeast by Seia, to the east by Covilhã, to the south by Pampilhosa da Serra, by Góis and by Lousã (in a few hundred meters) and to the west by Vila Nova de Poiares.